Yummy food tastings and toe tapping music at ‘Taste Of’

Taste of Chicago Grant Park_Photo by Walter S. Mitchell III, City of Chicago.JPG

(Walter S.  Mitchell, III, photo /DCASE/ City of Chicago)

If planning to make Chicago or friends who live there, a Fall vacation, try to fit the visit for when Taste of Chicago returns to the city’s Grant Park, Sept. 6-8, 2024.

What to expect:

Well, there’s always Eli’s Cheesecake to get for dessert, but there will also be more than 40 food booths and a dozen food trucks with tastings from a variety of cuisines ranging from Cuban, East Indian and African to Thai, pizza and the famed hamburgers of Billy Goat Tavern.

Tol relax, look for the beer hall or cocktail lounge.

Plus, you can down the food to musical headliners and popular rock and emerging artists.

Where to congregate: 

Take pictures and meet friends in the park at Buckingham Fountain (Jackson & Columbus).

No Charge or tickets: Taste of Chicago is free. and vendors take cash and credit cards. 

“The Taste of Chicago showcases the incredible culinary diversity of our city’s 77 neighborhoods,” said Sam Toia, President and CEO of the Illinois Restaurant Association. “It offers a special bite of why we are the greatest culinary city in the world,” he said.
For more information, visit Taste of Chicago and Choose Chicago (city pr)
Jodie Jacobs

Two Chicago must do


The 'Bean' in Millennium Park. (J Jacobs photo)
The ‘Bean’ in Millennium Park. (J Jacobs photo)


Whether living in or near Chicago or visiting for vacation or a convention there are two really good items to put on the to-do list.

One:  Millennium Park, a wonderful place to explore, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with family events and performances July 18-21, 2024.

If there this Thursday-Sunday, celebrate with ¡Súbelo! and Fruko y Sus Tesos on Thursday, listen to the music of John Williams including Star Wars played by the Grant Park Orchestra Friday, or Grammy winner Common on Saturday and or R&B performers Sunday. Plus, there are family activities all day Saturday and Sunday. Check 20th anniversary above to see times.

But if those dates aren’t convenient, just go because there is the “Bean” (Cloud Gate) to see and the Fountain to splash in or photo. 

Anish Kapoor’’s massive Cloud Gate sculpture, familiarly called “The Bean” is now as synonymous with Chicago as Picasso’s sculpture by City Hall. A 12-foot-high central arch is the “gate” to the underside but also the streetscape.

Calling the two, 50-foot facing towers the Crown Fountain | Millennium Park Foundation doesn’t begin to describe what it is and does.

Designed by Jaume Plensa and built by Krueck + Sexton Architects, Crown Fountain is about water, video, light, and glass elements 

Changing images of Chicagoans are projected in a way similar to fountain gargoyles from which water flows out of their mouths. Really. The pooled water is often a splash and play area for children. 

 Then there is the Jay Pritzker Pavilion Jay Pritzker Pavilion | Millennium Park Foundation. Designed by Frank Gehry, the Jay Pritzker Pavilion is where crowds watch a variety of performers from bluegrass to classical music as they sit on reserved seats or on the grass.

The Pavilion which is 120-feet above ground with a billowing open top of  brushed stainless-steel ribbons that frame the stage connected to an overhead trellis of crisscrossing steel pipes, can be seen before even getting to Millennium Park if walking east towards Michigan Avenue down Randolph and Washington Streets. 

 Jay Pritzker Pavillion (J Jacobs photo)

In addition:

Also in Millennium Park, look for the Lurie Garden on the eastern side of the Pavilion  and the Boeing Galleries – Millennium Park Foundation (of art) at the north and south ends of the park. It’s also hard to miss the  Millennium Monument at Wrigley Square | Millennium Park Foundation in the peristyle that was at the park location from 1917 to 1953.

Plus there are two walkways crossing over roads to try. They are Gehry’s stainless steel pedestrian bridge that goes from Millenium Park over Columbus Drive to Maggie Daley Park and Renzo Piano’s (designer of the Modern Wing of the Art Institute) Nichols Bridgeway that he designed to go over Monroe from Millenium Park to the upstairs of the Chicago Art Institute.

The Fountain (J Jacob s photo)
The Fountain (J Jacob s photo)

Two: (but not second in sights and enjoyment) is the Architecture Boat Tour of the Chicago River.

Most well-known:CAC boat tour

Get tickets at the Chicago Architecture Center, 111 e Wacker Drive, around the corner from Michigan Avenue across from the Chicago River.

 Chicago Architecture Center River Cruise aboard Chicago’s First Lady | Boat Tours | Chicago Architecture Center

trained docent volunteers have led the CAC River Cruise, sharing fascinating stories behind more than 50 buildings along the Chicago River. Hear how Chicago grew from a small settlement into one of the world’s largest cities in less than 100 years. In just 90 minutes, you’ll get the best overview of Chicago’s architecture and its history. $54.

(Chicago Architecture Center River Cruise)

Also good is the Chicago River Architecture Tour by Boat 2024 (viator.com) that has good speakers talking about Chicago’s architectural history. It is also 90 minutes and costs about $44.

Jodie Jacobs

Spring events you should know

There’s still time to plan a visit to see Tulip Time in Holland Michigan. ( J Jacobs photos)

The eclipse is here and gone and it was great – maybe beyond most expectations. But there are more interesting and fun events coming this spring.

 First, there are Earth Day walks in your area forest preserves and at the Chicago Botanic Garden and Morton Arboretum

Earth Day/s April 21-22

The Lake County Forest Preserves Hasting Lake site, 21155 W. Gelden Rd., Lake Villa, has an Earth Day walk April 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. (Shelter A)

This is a chance to visit and explore an area is the western part of the county you may not have visited before. Its for all ages and no registration is needed but adult supervision is required. (No pets but service dogs ok)

Event includes free, guided hikes and crafts. For more information visit Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG

 Chicago Botanic Garden

Also, April 21 at 2.p.m. is a 45 minute guided walk at McDonald Woods in Glencoe, IL (or do your own walk here at any time). There is a choice of a short (1/3 mile or longer loop of a 2/3 mile. (walks canceled if heavy rain) Parking and Garden admission charged for nonmembers. For more information visit Earth Day Walk in McDonald Woods | Chicago Botanic Garden


Tulip Time May 4-12

Then, in early May, tulips will be coloring the downtown landscape, parks and Windmill Island in Holland MI during Tulip Time, the towns, big, annual flower festival. Plus, there are traditional dances to watch and other activities during the fest. Tulip Time is worth the trip so book a B’n’B or hotel and get to know the town, its heritage and visit its wooden shoe factories on the outskirts of downtown. For more information visit Tulip Time.

Crane watching in Nebraska


Nebraska cranes at Platte River Watch shed 9J Jacobs)
At Platte River in Nebraska

Sandhill crane viewing

March 2024 is pretty warm for watching the crane migration on the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. But when I and fellow travel writers/photographers went a few years ago, the weather was in the 20s on a trip in 2013 and single digits on another trip in 2016.

So even though we were in the crane blind, a shed where the cranes wouldn’t see us, we had to really bundle up, add blankets and warmers. But the trips were so worth it.

Watch cranes waking up early in a.m. from shed ( Jacobs)
Watch cranes waking up early in a.m. from shed ( Jacobs)

We started at an information building then were taken to a shed with open lookouts for watching and photo shoots, first at night before the cranes landed, then back again in the morning to watch them take off.

Our starting points were the Crane Trust and the Rowe Sanctuary. Both times the sky was darkened by their numbers. We had our own accommodations, but the tours also have places to stay.

This year, 2024, the word is that there are many more cranes filling the skies over the Platte.


Where you start on your crane watching trip (JJacobs)
Where you start on your crane watching trip (JJacobs)

According to Earth/Sky news, wildlife biologist Bethany Ostrom reported in late February that the Crane Trust’s bird count saw about five times the usual numbers.

“Another record week? On February 24, 2024, we estimated 122,700 +9,100 sandhill cranes between Chapman and Overton, Nebraska,” Ostrom said. “On average, this time of year (week 2 of annual count) we see around 27,000 cranes.”

For more information visit Cranetrust viewing/tours

and Crane Season | Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary


Lake Geneva Winterfest means Snow Sculpting


Winterfest 2023 1st Place Winner North Dakota

2023 1st Place Championship team from North Dakota. “The Nemean Lion” The team also won “People’s Choice Award (Photo courtesy of Lake Geneva CVB)

Next week, drive over to Lake Geneva, WI for  Winterfest Lake Geneva

Fabulous snow sculptures created by championship state teams from Alaska to Wisconsin are entered in the annual National Snow Sculpting Championship as part of Winterfest.

It starts with snow delivered to 15 team sites on Wednesday, Jan. 31, at Riviera Plaza and Flat Iron Park.

Many visitors drive over on Feb. 2 or 3 to watch the sculpting and see the winners on Saturday when work stops and judges rate the sculptures. Visitors can also pick their favorites as People’s Choice. They fill in the time by seeing ice sculptures downtown, shopping and enjoying live entertainment

Some visitors just come in for the day but If looking for a place to stay consider the Grand Geneval Resort and Spa known for its Wisconsin Croissant, also called “Ouisconsin.”

For more information visit Winterfest Lake Geneva

Jodie Jacobs



Four events to look forward to in February


Past winner of Winterfest (Photo courtesy of Lake Geneva Chamber)
Past winner of Winterfest (Photo courtesy of Lake Geneva Chamber)

Many folks are ready to say goodbye to January’s below freezing temps and heavy snow shoveling. So here are some events to put on the calendar to help.

Wisconsin’s Lake Geneva Winterfest Jen 31-Feb 4

Amazing snow sculptures will be created along Geneva Lake during Lake Geneva, Wi’s US National Snow Sculpting Championship. It is part of the town’s 29th Annual Winterfest that includes several activities.

Although it begins Jan. 31, visitors won’t see the completed sculptures until that first Saturday in February. It takes a while to have the snow delivered to each sculpting team’s worksite and it takes time for them to carve out their masterpieces.

There will be 15 state championship teams competing from all over the US. Look for them sculpting at Riviera Plaza and Flat Iron Park Judges will rate the work at about 1 p.m. Saturday. In past years, visitors also had a chance to vote for their favorites.

Strolling the downtown to shop, see ice sculptures, watch snow sculpting and enjoy live entertainment fills out the days until the winners are announced. Sculptures are still up on Sunday, weather permitting.

For more information visit Winterfest Lake Geneva


Woodstock IL town square filmed in Groundhog Day (JJacobs photo)
Woodstock IL town square filmed in Groundhog Day (JJacobs photo)

Groundhog Day is back in Woodstock, IL    (but also in Punxsutawney, PA)

Events surrounding the famed 1993 film start Feb. 1 but are celebrated with a redo of the weather predicting creature in Woodstock, IL on Feb 2. Suppposedly, film director Harold Ramis chose Woodstock for filming because the story-line location in Pennsylvania was far from his North Shore home in Illinois.

To see where weather forecaster Bill Murray and his station co-worker, Andie MacDowell fell in love, go to Woodstock, not Pennsylvania, a tourist destination northwest of Chicago with a picturesque square featured in the movie.

If in town early in the morning Feb. 2, you hear groundhog Woodstock Willie say when spring will come. But stay to tour the film’s sites and see the movie. 

For clips visit Groundhog Day utubeFor more Woodstock info visit Groundhog Day/Woodstock. For the Punxsutawney, PA site see Punxsutawney Groundhog ClubFor folklore and background on Groundhog Day go to Farmers’Almanac Groundhog Day.

(Photo courtesy of Choose Chicago, the city’s tourism site)

Asian (Chinese) Lunar New Year 2024 Feb.10-25

 Learn about the zodiac signs including yours, where the holiday is celebrated and where you can celebrate at Lunar New Year 2024/Animal, Dates and celebrations.

Although called Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year, the festival is also celebrated in other countries such as Vietnam and Korea. 

Here, in the Chicago area, there are dragon parades and other events in a couple of neighborhoods such as Argyle Feb. 17 and Chinatown Feb.  18, plus lots of red decorations (for good luck) in Asian restaurants. This year is the Year of the Dragon.


Football’s Superbowl Sunday Feb 11, 2024

The event will be at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada, but the game doesn’t matter unless you are a fan of one of the teams. But the commercials are usually worth watching. Check top 10 for 2023 on UTube to see what was good last year. Peanuts (the edible kind) and M and Ms were still around.

For Super Bowl LVIII info visit 2024 Super Bowl LVIII Sunday – When, Where & More – NFL.com

International Puppet Theater Festival returns this week

“The Immortal Jellyfish Girl” Photo courtesy of Wakka Wakka Productions

There’s more to the already great Chicago Theater experiences than you might think.

The Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival, begun in 2015 and now celebrating its 6th year, starts January 18 and continues through January 28, 2024.

Headquartered at the Puppet Hub in Chicago’s Fine Arts Building, 433 S. Michigan Ave., Festival events and shows are held at venues across the city. It also includes free neighborhood tours co-sponsored by the festival, Chicago Park District, Navy Pier and neighborhood organizations. 

Considered the largest puppetry event in North America, the Fest draws artists from across the globe and features more than 100 activities ranging from performances and symposium to workshops and a Pop-Up Store. 

Where to stay.

Chicago has lots of options but there is an official hotel for the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival. It is the Warwick Allerton Hotel, 701 N. Michigan Ave. which has a discounted rate during festival dates. Use the  promo code, Puppetfest24. Visit Warwick Allerton or call (312) 440-1500 to reserve. This is where all of the artists stay and many visitors in town  for the Chicago Intl Puppet Theater Festival.

For Festival tickets, activities and more information visit Chicago Puppet Fest.

Add some color to your trip


Fall view near Traverse City, MI (J Jacobs photo)
Early fall view near Traverse City, MI (J Jacobs photo)


It’s not too late for a fall color getaway in the Midwest.

Depending on where you want to drive you will find trees beginning to dress in golden hues and adding scarlet to their fringe.

Wisconsin:  When viewing the latest fall report you see that Door County, a popular vacation destination in the northeastern part of the state is now at its peak color. 

From good eating and fish boils to fun shopping and festivals, there is always something going on in the Door’s charming villages. Before crossing the bridge onto the main part of the Door Peninsula, stop at or call Destination Door County for a map and suggestions. 


Illinois: If looking for an Illinois destination, consider historic Galena in the state’s north-eastern tip. The downtown boasts candy, ice cream and wine, restaurant stops and cute shops.  Plus, it’s buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places.

Start at the visitor center in the old RR Depot where you see the town rising, step-like across a small river.


Michigan: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park has a fall color trail destination. It is also near the wine trails of the Traverse City area. Both are worth visiting for views of Lake Michigan, Traverse Bay and snacking on Michigan cherries and apples.

See Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, MI | Trails & Tour




Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, MI | Trails & Tour

Why visit Chicago this weekend


 O(photoPullman National Monument and State Historic Site sign in front of the red bricked Administration Clock Tower Building.

(Photo courtesy of NPS.gov)

Open House Chicago, a free glimpse inside historically, architecturally and culturally significant buildings, churches, homes theaters and museums not normally open free to the public, will have open doors this weekend, Oct. 14 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., thanks to the Chicago Architecture Center.

What to expect: Chicago is a city of neighborhoods. The sites open this weekend are in neighborhoods ranging from Andersonville/ Edgewater and Beverly/Morgan Park through Bronzeville/Downtown and Hyde Park to Logan Square, Pullman and Uptown.

This festival is an extraordinary opportunity to explore some of the city’s great places in more that 20 neighborhoods.

Among the sites is the Pullman National Historical Park and the historic Fine Arts Building 410 S. Michigan Ave. that has been featured this week in the Sun Times and Chicago Tribune

Tip: many places will have lines but Chicago Architecture Center  Members  will receive a priority access pass so of living in the area or have plans to return and take its fame boat or an architecture tour, membership is a good deal. 

For a downloadable Open House guide visit Site guide

Experiencing Asia in Chicago


*Ed note: The following article is a slightly condensed version of writer/ theater critic/ videographer Reno Lovison’s Podcast on becoming more familiar with Asians in Chicago. After hearing all the misunderstandings that occurred during and after COVID I believe more people should try to get to know their local Asian communities. Consider exploring their areas abroad. But also think local for a travel treat. Reno has included some of his favorite Asian eating spots in Chicago.

South-East Asia Center Golden Diners luncheon (Photo by Reno Lovison)
South-East Asia Center Golden Diners luncheon (Photo by Reno Lovison)

Asian is a rather broad term whose nations encompass all of the Asian continent including Eastern Asia with China, Mongolia, Japan, North and South Korea. South-East Asia includes the area of the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, and others.

South Asia is the southern subregion of Asia, defined in both geographical and ethnic-cultural terms that commonly includes Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, with Afghanistan also often included.

Central Asia includes what are sometimes remembered as the “stan” countries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan, while Western Asia generally includes the countries referred to as the Middle-East with Turkey, Israel, Armenia and all of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Pacific Islands refer to all of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia including our own Hawaiian Islands.

Forgive me for any omissions, this is not intended to be a comprehensive list rather I encourage you to do some research of your own as you consider your exploration of how the Asian culture has manifested itself within the Chicago experience.

The first Chinese who were mainly Cantonese speakers arrived in Chicago around the time the transcontinental railroad was completed on May 10, 1869. This was because a majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. Now, 43,228 individuals in Chicago identified as Chinese according to the 2010 census, represent 1.6% of the city’s population. About 10,000 ethnic Chinese reside within the historic Chinatown area.

I encourage you to look into the Asian American historical record by visiting the Chinese American Museum of Chicago at 238 West 23rd St.  The museum can be a great jumping off point to explore the Chinatown area.

Ping Tom Park (Photo courtesy of Chicago Park District)
Ping Tom Park (Photo courtesy of Chicago Park District)

If you really feel adventurous, consider taking the Chicago Water Taxi from Michigan Avenue downtown to Ping Tom Park. There are spectacular views of the riverwalk and historic buildings along the way including the Willis Tower and the Opera House. 

Now, I am no expert on Chicago’s Asian Community but I would like to share some of my own experiences from the point-of-view of a lifelong Chicago resident who has a relationship with the South-East Asia Center in Uptown.

This relationship has been an opportunity to appreciate the struggles of immigrants in general as well as the various cultures the organization serves.

Established about 40 years ago with a mission to help resettle individuals from South-East Asia after the Vietnamese conflict, the center has grown to serve not only South-East Asians but also other newly arrived immigrants including those from Russia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Latin America and more.

The Center currently has more than 40 languages spoken among staff and clients. Its ESL classes are an essential service that helps newly arrived immigrants learn, practice and improve their English language skills.

Becoming a volunteer ESL tutor only requires about two weekends of training and is an excellent way to get beyond the tourist approach and become more personally involved with people from other cultures. I have done it myself and have really enjoyed the interactions with my students and what I learned from them.

For those over 60, the South-East Asia Center hosts a Golden Diners Lunch Program Monday through Friday from about 11:30 to 1:30. This is one of a number of dining locations around the city that provide a pay-as-you-please lunch option for seniors.

The spirit of the program is not to provide low-cost meals but rather to encourage seniors to get out into their communities and interact with one another.

If you are a senior grab a friend and explore the city. You can find a list of locations at “Chicago Golden Diners Program.”

By the way, the building that houses the South-East Asia Center’s Golden Diners Program at 5120 North Broadway is a local landmark that was originally built as a German Beer Garden and stands as a testament to the ethnic changes that have taken place around the city. At this location you’ll typically be treated to a very traditional Vietnamese style meal.

There are also Asian meals offered in Chinatown at the Chinese Community Center, Korean faire on north Kedzie, and Indian and Pakistani options on Devon and on North California. The city’s Golden Diners website provides addresses and details.

While we are talking about this part of the city, I must mention the Argyle Street commercial area just east of Broadway that is easily accessible by the Redline.

Known as “Little Saigon,” this street is inviting to anyone who wants to experience South-East Asian culture with local stores and (no-kidding) about 20 restaurants that either feature Pho or have Pho in their name

For the uninitiated Pho (pronounced “fuh”) is a kind of broth with vegetables and meat typically served in a surprisingly large bowl. On a cold day you will manage to eat it all.

Other things to try might be Banh mi , a delicious baguette sandwich that reflects the country’s French colonial influence or steamed Bao, a pillowy soft steamed dumpling folded and filled with meat and veggies.

One of my favorites is the Vietnamese crispy savory crepe which is a cross between an omelet and French crepe folded and garnished with ample quantities of fresh herbs and greens accompanied by a sweet and pungent sauce.

Argyle Night Martket (Photo courtesy of DCASE)
Argyle Night Martket (Photo courtesy of DCASE)

Argyle Night Market, held every Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m. through  August is a perfect time to experience the neighborhood and rub shoulders with the locals. Check out Explore Uptown

Heading north and a bit west to Devon and Western will take you into the heart of “Little India,” the South Asian or Indo Pakistan area of the city where you can enjoy the sights and smells of this rich culture.

The street is festooned with nearly a mile of colorful sari shops and local markets where you can pick up fresh spices like saffron, turmeric and more.

This area is purported to have some of the best Indian restaurants in the country. Ask virtually any person throughout the South Indian diaspora and they will likely tell you they have a brother or cousin who lives here.

Food is of course the gateway to experiencing any culture so I’ll just give you a few of my favorite spots. I am not saying they are necessarily the best in category but they will provide a place for you to begin your personal exploration and encourage you to get out into some of Chicago’s northside ethnic neighborhoods. I have often said you can explore the world by exploring Chicago.

For Thai cuisine we typically default to Tiparo’s just south of North Avenue on Clark Street. We usually split one Tofu Pad Thai and one Crazy Noodles with Chicken. The portions are big enough for us to get two meals apiece out of an order of each to go.

Reza’s in Andersonville, a popular spot for Persian dining, features various skewers of grilled meat served on a bed of dill rice. Next door, Andie’s Mediterranean, has a large menu with a number of delicious vegetarian options.

At Foster and Clark is the Middle East Market where you can pick up an assortment of foods ideal for tasty lunches or light suppers. My stop there recently included a few spinach and cheese pies, a few parsley and cheese pies with kalamata olives, some veggie topped flat bread, a half-dozen falafel, hummus with roasted garlic, and some pita, feta cheese and kalamata olives to supplement other home cooked meals.

Staying within the western Asian cuisine, a little to the west on the other side of Rosehill Cemetery at a point known as the bend at the corner of Maplewood and Lincoln, is the Shawarma Inn purported to have the best (and in this case I agree) shawarma in the area.

If you are not familiar, shawarma is sirloin beef cooked rotisserie tyle and thinly shaved, served over rice or as a pita sandwich. Their hummus is also exceptional.

For the record this area is home to a large Assyrian population. The Assyrian civilization at one time incorporated the entire Near East, most notably the area of the Fertile Crescent or Northern Mesopotamia.

The heartland of Assyria lies in present-day northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria, and northwestern Iran. The remains of the ancient capital of Assyria, Nineveh, lies within Mosul in northern Iraq.

A great place to learn more about this culture would be the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute in Hyde Park. (Known now as the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures).

Japanese Gardens on west side of Museum of Science and Industry East side of Cornell Ave., in Jackson (Andrew) Park (Photo courtesy of Chicago Park District)
Japanese Gardens on west side of Museum of Science and Industry East side of Cornell Ave., in Jackson (Andrew) Park (Photo courtesy of Chicago Park District)

It is not far from the Museum of Science and Industry where you will find Japanese Gardens along the lagoon.  This stunning spot with its iconic bridge and cheery trees was originally created by the government of Japan for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Reconstructed and renamed officially as the Garden of the Phoenix. A prominent feature as of 2016 is a sculpture entitled “Sky Landing” by acclaimed artist Yoko Ono.

Back up north, Bryn Mawr between Kedzie and Kimball, is traditionally the Korean neighborhood, but I have enjoyed Midori for Japanese food in this neighborhood at 3310 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.

When it comes to Korean food, I have to give the nod to Soon at Noon Hour Grill at 6930 N. Glenwood in Rogers Park. Soon introduced me to bi bim bop about 30 years ago and I have judged every experience with that dish against hers ever since. This restaurant also has easy access via the red line Morse stop.

For some quick casual Filipino food, I like Merla’s Kitchen at Foster and Kimball. Her chicken adobo is well respected and her handmade empanadas made to order are large fresh, fried on the spot and delicious. It may take a little time but it will be worth the wait.

I believe a little-known gem is Jibek Jolu, a casual, family-run Kyrgyzstan eatery at 5047 N. Lincoln Ave. which serves hearty Central Asian fare. In my opinion this is literally where East meets West and those of us with Eastern European traditions will find some familiar looking and tasting options with a distinct Asian twist.

This Chicago Asian community overview is hardly comprehensive but I hope it will whet your appetite and encourage you to experience some new or different cultures.

Please go beyond the simple tourist approach of eating and gawking. Find some way to get involved in the important process of connecting with other people. Invite a friend or neighbor from a different ethnic group to join you on your expedition or be your guide. Do the same for them. Enjoy your differences but pay attention to your similarities and make note of the many things we all have in common. 

Reno Lovison is the executive producer of Chicago Broadcasting Network.