This Halloween think beyond the neighborhood haunted house if looking for a real ghostly experience.

There likely is an old hotel, B&B, Civil War battle site, lighthouse or other likely spot within a day’s visit that is still occupied by a former living being. Indeed, it is difficult to find a county or parish in the United States that does not have a documented haunted site.
Here are a few of the places visited during my many travels where either a shiver or unexplained uneasiness convinced me the place was haunted or ghostly presences were documented by eyewitnesses. Places range from open-to- the-public and restricted hours to guests and by appointment only.
Many turn of the last century homes have become Bed and Breakfasts so it’s no surprise that some are haunted by former occupants. You probably know of some in your area.
While visiting Penn State for a travel book, I stayed at the 1880’s Reynolds Mansion in Bellefonte, Penn. Popular with college parents and alumni, the B&B has good food, friendly hosts and a bedroom with a resident ghost. I almost took that room but when encountering an uncomfortable feeling, I opted for another room.

A place where I didn’t stay because I already had accommodations in Memphis, was the mid 1800s Georgian style Magnolia Manor in Bolivar, Tenn.
When exploring on my own while the people I was with were checking out other rooms in the mansion, I felt a presence on the stairs and an emanation connected to a bedroom at the top of the stairs. Later I learned that yes, that bedroom did have a resident ghost and one that sometimes took to the stairs.
I hope to return to the area so I can stay there.
Battle site
Battle grounds are notorious haunted sites. The one where I felt soldiers were still present even though their remains were supposed to have been moved was at Manassas in Virginia outside Washingto D.C. Sightings of Civil War soldiers have been well documented and Jim Burgess, Manassas National Battlefield Museum Specialist is happy to relate a few stories to visitors.

It’s been said that all the lighthouses on the Great Lakes are haunted. However, some have better documentation than others.
Among my favorites of those I visited are the White River Light Station in Whitehall, Mich. and the Seul Choix Point Light House in Gulliver, Mich. in the Upper Peninsula.
Sites where ghosts still linger really can be found throughout the country. If none of the places mentioned here are near you or your next destination, type in ghosts and your location in your web browser then check them out.
Even though Halloween is a fine time to search for a haunted site, you will find ghostly locations throughout the year.
Photos by Jodie Jacobs