Escape to Palm Springs for Modernism Week

Frank Sinatra's Twin Palms home in Palm Springs. (Jake Holt photo)
Frank Sinatra’s Twin Palms home in Palm Springs. (Jake Holt photo)

You may love or not, mid 1900s modernism architecture and furniture but if you just don’t want to be in the frozen Midwest this weekend/week, be impulsive and fly down to Palm Springs for Modernism Week.

I grew up in a typical “modernism” style split level with more than typical “modernism” style furniture because the family was in the advertising business with connections to the type of custom designed furniture that is now making a comeback in the 2020’s. (See the Antique Roadshow)

What you’ll experience in the Palm Springs area at this event, February 13-23, 2025, are mid last century neighborhoods where the style is prized and where LA based celebrities built homes as escapes from filming close enough to their California action that they can become weekend jaunts.

See Frank Sinatra’s and other celebrity homes on one of the bus tours and
take advantage of a double-decker neighborhood and architectural bus tour or do a home tour and check out special events and activities.

Visit CAMP at Modernism Week, ‘Community and Meeting Place’ headquarters open daily 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Hyatt Palm Springs – 285 N Palm Canyon.

Modernism Week is a fun escape!

For more details visit Modernism Week 2025 | Modernism  and Complete Guide to Modernism Week 2025


Author: Jodie

Longtime Chicago Tribune contributor for news and features. Travel writer for What's Happening, Lakeland Boating and A&E for CBS