February full moon shines now

Full moon (J Jacobs photo)
Full moon (J Jacobs photo)

Unlike the February Full Moon in 2024 that appeared late in the month, the one in 2025 is shining now although it isn’t at full illumination until Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 7: 53 a.m. CT. Look for it tonight, Feb. 11.

Native American tribes called it the Snow Moon. They definitely had it rightfully pegged this year. On Feb. 12, 2025, the Midwest is expected to get its largest snowfall (so far) of the season with about four to seven inches.

If you noticed how bright the night was last night and happened to look out you would have seen a far off moon. The February full moon looks small. It is the year’s smallest looking full moon because it is furthest from Earth at 293-968 miles. See EarthSky for its position an a graph and  Snow Moon Is the Full Moon in February at Time and Date.

Watch for the full moon in the South Eastern sky tonight.

According to the  Old Farmers Almanac animal names were popular for the February Moon (and yes, not just when it was full but for the whole month).

The Cree called the February Moon the Bald Eagle Moon and Eagle Moon while the Cherokee named it the Hungry Moon and the Ojibwe noted it as the Bear Moon. Some Algonquin peoples said it was Groundhog Moon.

See Live Science for more information. It said to look for the moon’s companion star, Regulus, in constellation Leo.


Author: Jodie

Longtime Chicago Tribune contributor for news and features. Travel writer for What's Happening, Lakeland Boating and A&E for CBS