You don’t have to wait until Spring Break to take a fun, weekend outing.
If you love the model railroads and buildings at the Museum of Science and Industry and at the Chicago Botanic Garden in the summer or Christmas, drive up to the northwest corner of Illinois March 4-5, 2017. The Depot Stove Gang are holding their 29th annual Model Railroad Show and Swap Meet that weekend in Lena. The town is a short distance east of the historic destination of Galena, IL, so the model railroad show makes a trip to this area a good, two-for-one, weekend outing.

About the model railroad event
It’s fun to see the model trains moving along their tracks past villages and scenery. Plus there will be lots of railroad memorabilia and stuff to start one’s own setup or add.
The show is so large it takes place in the gyms and cafeterias at Lena-Winslow Elementary School, 401 Fremont St, IL , the Junior High at 517 Fremont St. and High School at 516 Fremont St. Check in is at 401 Fremont St., Lena IL 61048. Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch is available in the Elementary Cafeteria. Admission is free but donations are appreciated.
Lena is in Freeport/Stephenson County which celebrates the outdoors and history, year round. For things to do and other information visit Freeport/Stephenson County. and call (815) 233-1357 or (800) 369-2955. The Visitors and Convention Bureau is at 4596 US Highway 20 E. Freeport, IL
About Galena
West of Lena on US Highway 20 in Jo Daviess County is Galena, a 19th century town filled with sites on the National Register of Historic Places. It has a terrific Main Street shopping area of boutiques, candy and ice cream shoppes, wine tasting places and historic homes and inns. For more information visit Galena and call (815) 77.3557 or (800) 747-9377. The CVB is at 720 Park Ave., Galena, IL 61036
Where to stay
There are lot of choices but to get you started check out Eagle Ridge Resort.
It is on the outskirts of Galena, west of Lena on US Hwy 20.